Originally Posted by Homeoboxter
That`s what I`m talking about.
Man this pisses me off. Pedro is straight up lying. Pedro says the oil is lower then it actually is and the bearing will shed all the oil and does this on video. PCA says you can remove the seal and be just fine with the engine oil keeping the bearing lubricated.
My apologies Homeoboxter, you are correct.
Pedro says the "DOF" is patented, JFP in PA says Jake Raby has the patent on it, I put up the video with the words coming out of Pedro's mouth that the part is patented. JFP in PA comes back and says that's still wrong. So I go to checking on the patents and Jake Raby does have the patent on it under IMS Sollutions LLC.
My apologies JFP in PA, you are correct and here is the patent on it.