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Old 04-09-2019, 06:16 PM   #66
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Sick of IMS Bearing?

Sick of IMS Bearing? Do you want to know who is sick of IMS Bearing? I AM SICK OF IMS BEARING. After replacing the IMS Bearing two times in my first Boxster, and getting over 304,000 miles out of it, I purchased a 997 4S with the larger (never fail) IMS Bearing. Guess what happened? THE IMS BEARING FAILED IN MY 997! My 997 has been at Flat 6 Innovations since July. Jake said he had never seen an IMS Bearing go out on a 997 street car. As you all know the repair/rebuild is not cheap. So let me tell you again who is sick of IMS Bearing. I AM SICK OF IMS BEARING!!

300K Mile Club
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