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Old 03-18-2019, 05:32 AM   #9
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Posts: 487
My condolences for your loss. I can empathize.

I was a very late addition to my family (kind of a tradition - youngest son of a youngest son of a youngest son of a youngest son). Anyway the result for me is that the entire generation up from me was part of this greatest generation. Save one, this entire generation of my family -both sides- has expired over the last decade. I think I know what you are feeling. It is not just a personal loss, but a real seam rent in the fabric of our society. These people consistently gave back more than they got, and it was a point of pride to do so. And we all benefitted from this. I miss so much already their ability to serve as role models for my kids, and a benchmark for the rest of us as to what it means to be a good citizen, even a good person.
And while I try, I feel inadequate to take the torch from them. But they didn't flinch when it was their turn, so in that vein, I march forward. By remembering and honoring, we internalize their values and carry them forward, even if diluted. It is all we can do.
Again, my condolences to you. And to all of us.
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