FYI, I'm scaling back on buying 986 boxsters as the market is getting stale. It's mostly because the racing scene her in Texas has slowed down a lot within the past year or two. Races that once had 20-30 boxster, now only have 6-8. Racers are what made my business successful. Without them it just isn't worth focusing on one platform. I'll always be into the 986 boxster but at a lot less level. They'll pretty much have to fall into my lap for me to buy them now. No more buying them from far and having them shipped in. It just isn't worth the investment. Demand, quality, value of parts are down yet the price I pay at auction has been the same. I"m still paying the same price for a wrecked boxster that I was 6 years ago. I would like to say I'm going to start buying more 987's but I don't see a strong market there either. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do when it comes to Porsche. As of the last few months my main income has come from restoring old ford work trucks with diesel motors.
Originally Posted by gsy4771
Do you have any amps from 03/04, although not sure the year matters, working or not? I want to take it apart so I can make a wiring harness.
Sorry I've Sold them all on eBay
Originally Posted by drmindbender
Can you ship airbags? I need a 3 spoke driver and passenger dash airbags in black for my 2001.
Lots of passenger side on e-Bay but not many driver.
I just sold my only black leather passenger yesterday. I should have a vinyl one for $50. I only sell my three spoke airbags with the wheel for $400
Originally Posted by piper6909
Do you have a battery cover and grilles that go behind the headrest?
I don't have any wind mesh. I sell the battery cover for $30 shipped
Thanks Woody