and that actually crossed my mind as i was typing out my rant - the cali car culture. but even if every diy post is prefaced with "for offroad use only", someone is gonna ask about smog. perhaps it's tied to the quest to own a unicorn - the ultimate street/track car. everybody wants to put race car parts on street cars. you wanna go fast? get a race licence and get a race car. you wanna drive on the street and obey the law? keep the car like the good doctor made it - it goes quick enough right out of the box, thank you very much. there's some hypocracy there - you want to go faster, but you want to be legal. can't have both. i mean, what the heck is 'canyon carving' or 'spirited driving'? sounds like exceeding the speed limit to me. as i guy who just forked over $3300 for 170 in a 100 i understand, but don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
ultimately, if you want to build the fastest machine you can, and are genuinely motivated to keep it street legal, then cool. but when some garage diy'er spends days and days trial and erroring, scraping knuckles, and ordering the wrong parts in an effort to try something new and innovative, and then takes the time to share it, only to have some internet mechanic take 15 seconds out of his day to type "post a dyno" or "will it meet smog" then i kinda get cranky.