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Old 02-23-2019, 10:38 AM   #22
The Radium King
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well, i agree. it just seems that any time anyone posts about doing something to their engine, someone from california starts with the 'will it pass ca smog' stuff. i understand if a person is selling a product then yes, ask if it is legal in your state. unfortunately, 99% of the time it's just a guy posting about what he's done to his car, and someone from california wants to know if it's legal in his state, or starts going on about how bad it is because it's not legal in ca.

ultimately it's not our job to determine your risk level with respect to the law, to do the research into the legalities of your jurisdiction, or to drive to your state and determine if what we did to our car is allowed there. if you like the idea and want to try it then get out from behind your computer and do your own homework. it's no different that the guy who says i did this or that to my engine and it feels like it made more power, only to have someone demand dyno results. it's not our job to pay hundreds of $ on a dyno to satisfy you - do it yourself. that's what diy stands for.

sorry, this just triggered a bit of a peeve that's been brewing in me.
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