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Old 02-14-2019, 03:04 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by JFP in PA View Post
Very likely, have seen it multiple times. But first, some other points:

Your "local shop" replaced the AOS, but with which one? Aftermarket AOS are JUNK, often failing right out of the box. Astute shops do not use them for that reason. If they installed one, you may be looking directly at your problem.

The MAF was fouled? How? It is up stream of where the oil from a bod AOS enters the intake, making it impossible for a failing AOS to foul the MAF.

A dying AOS tends to decrease the amount of available crankcase vacuum due to increased blow by from the low tension piston rings losing seal, not raise it, which probably why you blew out the cam plug due to pressure in the crankcase.

Here's my diagnosis: You need a new shop.

Good luck.
I've recently worked-through some odd AOS and Case-Plug related issues myself, so I feel like I have some FHE here.
I agree with everything JFP said, with only one exception: When my case-plug blew-out, the AOS began pushing liquid oil into the intake at such a prodigious rate that I did indeed have oil (liquid oil) on the air-filter element, and dripping out of the bottom of the airbox. remember what happens when you close the tb; any liquid in the upstream at that moment (including any in the AOS tube to the intake) is going to get pushed-back-up. Fouled-MAF is easy, at that point. It happened to me.

I'd put money on a failed AOS, and, like JFP mentioned, it's likely that it was a cheaper aftermarket part, rather than the genuine article. The failure-rate demonstrated on the internet of those cheaper items should make any decent parts-source embarrassed to sell them.

If it were me, I'd replace the AOS and the case-plug and see where you're at. And if you ask me: if you can replace the oil regulator spring and piston, you can replace the AOS. it's not a horrible job.
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