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Old 02-06-2019, 03:26 PM   #153
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So here's something you can do that will take a bit of effort but with no real risk.

Your pic looks like it coolant coming from the forward part of the motor but because of the under panel, who knows.

Here's what I'd do. Slide your seats forward and remove the carpet from the firewall. There are great instructions on this site and others on how to remove the carpet. Look for instructions on water pump or alternator removal. Once removed, remove the metal firewall panel. Don't be intimidated, its just some nuts and bolts that are easy to get at. Once the panel is removed, visually locate your water pump. The pump is located down low on the the passenger side of the car.

Start your car and look for signs of a leak. Be patient, it may be very small, even from around a fastener. Water pump bolts only require 7 ft-lbs of torque, which isn't much. Just see if you can locate anything obvious.

Again, this exercise will be helpful, wether you find the source of you leak or not. At the minimum, you'll know how to access the front of the motor, which will allow you to change your own alternator or pulleys or serpentine belt...all easy DYI's that will save you some bucks.
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