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Old 02-05-2019, 04:54 PM   #1
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Side Vent Thoughts

Hopefully the photos I post will work as I pulled them off of the web. I am looking for a change. After viewing some of the remarkably creative work by several forum members (JBauer, Ben006, Particlewave, BRAN, itsnotanova, too many others to mention) they have inspired me. As I haven't a creative bone in my body, my best bet is to purchase what I want. But alas, I cannot find anything close to the vents pictured in the photos. They are obviously carbon fiber and most likely custom made. The web site selling the car would not respond to my inquires so I am posting here.

How would one go about creating a mold or is a form more appropriate? I assume a form since the carbon fiber sheet could be laid across the top but then how to remove it. What type of material to use? Something easily shaped and that could be test fit into the vents receptacle. Florist foam? Balsa wood? Can someone act as a catalyst to get me started in the right direction. Thanks
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