Thread: Little Bastard
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Old 01-23-2019, 05:41 AM   #24
Who's askin'?
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Originally Posted by Burg Boxster View Post
Non-issue... there's a liner 'tray w/ gutter downspout plumbing' in one of the pix. Very much like the bed hard cover on my F150. Occasionally a couple drops get thru in heavy storms from the gutters being overwhelmed but the surface area on my F150 is about 100x bigger whilst the 'gutters' are probably smaller - LOL. So it should be fine from functionality standpoint...
This is really funny to me. Every time I open this thread because someone posts in it and it bumps to the top, I laugh out loud at the ridiculousness of this.....

"Uh, dude, that big ugly thing that serves absolutely no purpose other than to make you look stupid, is gonna leak"
"Meh, don't worry about it, it's a non-issue, "cuz I thought of everything.... including adding-on something ELSE that's really ugly, to keep it from leaking. This 2nd item also has the added benefit of being expensive and difficult to create, plus making my trunk lid ungainly and heavy. Add to that: it'll require additional regular cleaning so that the crap collected in it doesn't build up and overflow.... because that would make ugly item number 1 even uglier.... so there."

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