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Old 01-22-2019, 05:50 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Homeoboxter View Post
That totally sucks and i`m really sorry for this happened to your car. And thanks for sharing your story. May I ask what happened to the original bearing and why you replaced it at the first place? Also, was the seal for the bearing (the LN) removed? Thanks!
The LN bearings don't have any seals on the bearing itself to remove as far as I know. But my shop bought the bearing and did the work so I don't have first-hand experience of seeing the bearing. But I have no doubt they put it in! I had it done at about 42,000 miles. I bought my car new in 2003 and didn't know about the IMSB potential issue when I bought it, I learned about it later and decided to have it done after I got the class action notice, which was literally a month before my car would become too old for Porsche to be required to pay anything in compensation to me if the original IMSB failed. When I found out that the 2003-4 M96 engines had the highest IMSB failure rate I decided to get the single row pro which puts a dual row bearing in place of the factory single row. I still have the original IMSB which is fully intact although it has oil dripping out of the seals so who knows if it was destined to fail?

And kk2002s, yes my true permanent solution is my daily driver, but not really as I just sold my Acura and got a BMW (with a BMW extended warranty though)!
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