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Old 01-18-2019, 09:02 AM   #12
Who's askin'?
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hazardc, we're sorta piling-on here a little. That's kinda what we do, as we come to the defense of our own little community here. But I see you've been a member for awhile, and oughtta feel like you're one of the gang too.

So I'm going to suggest that maybe you came off differently than you intended? And maybe that's because you're having a pretty crappy day? If I were a guy who was trying to understand that I'd imagine that:
- it sorta sucks to have your car in the driveway, blocking your ability to get any other cars in or out.
- It sucks that you don;t know when the guy with the keys is gonna come back and steal your car.
- It sucks that what you THOUGHT was your "backup plan" isn't working, because none of those extra keys you have fit.
- and finally, it sucks that you can't take your car out..... but some thief CAN.

so.... yeah...... I can appreciate that makes for a pretty crummy day. And I'd bet everyone here's pretty willing to forgive a crummy response to a helpful hand from ThStone. IF you can find your way to accepting that.
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