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Old 01-14-2019, 12:15 PM   #12
Who's askin'?
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Originally Posted by Homeoboxter View Post
Well, I don`t know the specs and I don`t have precise tools to measure the wear. The bores show no sign of wear by feel and the ring gaps do not change much when I slide the ring all the way down the bore, and there`s no difference if I place the ring to the top of the bore (the area that the ring normally does not reach) vs. if I slide it down. So I assume the wear is not substantial. I think the compression rings could be reused, my worry is about the oil rings, the side rails seem deteriorated, I can see through between the cylinder wall and the side rail when I place them into the bore.
Ohhh.... i'd probably back the bus up abit, if I were you. At least lay on the brake some...
If you're trying to do this even partially "right", you shouldn't be letting $100 worth of snap gauges and a caliper stop you. Take your time, do it right. You'll be glad you did.

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