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Old 12-26-2018, 08:29 AM   #35
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Join Date: Jun 2014
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Hi Woody,

because you've removed the soft top, how about the idea to replace the intake hoses with something that comes directly out of the engine cover. I think the long intake hose with the corners to the intake filter cut hp. If you go directly up out to the cover and add a good air filter with a good air flow, this might gain some hp.

Also it would be an interesting idea to use 2 throttle bodies instead of one. So using an additional throttle body instead of the connection hose. Because now you have space above the engine, i think this could be an option. I know this also would need an individual remap and i know that is not cheap. Also this might need a modification of the fuel system / injectors. And maybe other cams could be useful. Maybe an interesting approach to get more hp out of the engine. But in the end not cheap for shure.

Regards, Markus
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