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Old 12-24-2018, 06:44 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by BoxMann View Post
Well yes, but it could feel fine and then need replacing in 10k miles. My only thought was that since he had everything apart anyway doing the IMSB, why not do the clutch while you're at it, and start with a fresh new clutch. How much does a new clutch replacement cost incrementally if you're already paying for the labor for the IMSB? $600?

BTW, why did you need an engine rebuild?
If the clutch disc isn't worn at all, no need to replace it. If they saw no wear on the clutch parts on the car you're looking at now while it was apart and it still feels good now no need to worry about that was my point.

My engine is being rebuilt because the IMSB upgrade I had installed at 42,000 miles as a preemptive measure failed at 68,000 miles. Stuff happens. Someday I'll have my car back, it's been almost 6 months, I decided to have it upgraded to a 3.6 with LN Nickies, that takes a long time due to the backlog of work at the plating company that LN uses.
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