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Old 12-02-2018, 11:51 AM   #11
Dr Feelgood
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Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 27
I suppose I do have to run the RCA cables to the amplifier anyway so adding the wake up wire to go with it is not a big deal.

I WAS however planning on using the 12V+ constant on pin 4 of the black connector and pin 8 ground on the same connector for the new head unit. Everything else I would wire separate like the ACC power on and the like. I do have a question about pin 5 however for the antenna 12+. Do I need to supply power to this for my FM radio to get good signal? Is this a powered antenna? Is it hooked up to the same wake up wire I am going to run to my amp?

For future reference even though the CDR-23 didn't use them there were a few wires not accounted for and I found pin out for the black connector from this thread that accounts for them.

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