Originally Posted by itsnotanova
I've probably dropped 20 and installed two motors/transmissions on my 4 post before I notched my 4 post so the drive train could go through the middle. Now I drop everything down the middle. To drop it off the rear I would disconnect everything except the motor and transmission mounts. I would use the ramps that you use to drive up on the lift as extensions. I had big blocks that would support the ramps as I pushed the vehicle out onto the ramps. Remove the engine/tranmission mounts, lower the motor on a lift cart, push the car back onto the lift and you're done. I would ratchet the front of the car to a front cross-member on the lift to keep the car from moving backwards. Sure it's not the safest way, but sometimes you work with what you have. I've used the same process for removing drive trains out of 911's and camaros.
Any idea what the dimensions of your notch are Woody? Total width x total front to back?