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Old 10-28-2018, 10:18 AM   #20
The Radium King
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so, one of the things i am getting is the pressure drop across the filter. it seems high. i note that lne changed the filter they specify. i'd done a bit of research into filter elements - oem is 30 micron but a very large filter element AND has a bypass (not sure what pressure it bypasses at). the napa 1042 is 23 micron AND the element is much smaller in area and no bypass, so strikes me as a bottleneck in the system, and probably why lne went to their latest washable filter with a 60 micron size (they chose less filteration for better flow for a reason i think).

i think the accusump pressure switch is at the accusump, so should track the pre-filter oil pressure closely, yes? so, thinking that the 40 psi switch was spec'd based on a filter that flows better, and with the current config you should consider a higher pressure (55 psi?) switch to be more responsive or, as yu are finding, run without the switch and just let the accusump swing - did you get any indicators that the accusump was depleting itself after a long sweeper or turn complex? otherwise, i think more and more that a remote filter mount with full-size filter is the way to go.
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