Accusump - some data
First event of the 2018 fall season for me in Arizona at Arizona Motorsports Park (AMP). I tested my new Sparco EVO seats and 6 point harness setup and was able to get my personal best time in the 3rd session. What a difference that setup makes!
I also decided I would attempt to quantify the effectiveness of my 2 qt Accusump setup to see if it makes any difference. I used my Autosportlabs Race Capture Track setup with AnalogX reading oil pressure and Accusump ON solenoid voltage.
This data was taken from Session 2. In order to minimize any noise (such as the effect of oil temp on oil pressure), I turned the Accusump OFF then back ON on adjacent laps (laps 2 and 3). I'm assuming that my driving is similar for those 2 laps as well. I'll post a rendered video with data for the same laps when I have some time.
The X axis is basically time, with the Lap count showing as a stair step at the bottom. In Blue, I'm showing the voltage of the Accusump solenoid. Spikes indicate it is activated (and dumping oil during that short time). The Orange points show the Oil Pressure as measured at the inlet of the oil filter (so not directly at the oil pump). And lastly, in Grey, is the Oil Pressure as measured at the standard location on the passenger's side cam cover (head). Outside air temp was roughly 75F and oil temperature did not climb beyond 225F. I was running Federal RSR595 tires and lateral Gs were getting up to 1.05-1.15 Gs. I also have an X51 style oil baffle.
Although this is only a single data set at a single track, I think it's pretty clear that the Accusump has a measurable effect. What I can see is that the VC Oil pressure never dips below 27 psi vs 22 psi when Accusump is OFF. Looking at the Pump Oil pressure, it never dips below 44 psi, but dips to 30 psi when turned OFF. This larger effect on Pump oil pressure can be explained by the fact that the Accusump feeds into oiling system much closer to the oil filter than to the pump, and there is a check valve that helps to build up the back pressure.
Is it worth it? Will this prevent oil starvation? I don't know, but just looking at this, it certainly doesn't make it worse.
Let me know what you think
PS... I don't have any relationship with Canton Racing  so I'm not biased on way or the other. I just believe in the power of data
2002 Boxster S - NHP 200 Cell Headers,test pipes,Borla CatBack,Competition Plenum,74 mm TB, EVOMS Tune,Tarett UDP,Eibach Swaybars,BIlstein PSS9s,TuneRS rear toe links,wheel studs,15 mm wheel spacers on all 4,EBC yellow stuff pads,Sebro rotors, EBS oil baffles,160 deg Thermostat,2 quart Accusump,full filtration remote oil filter,rad fan switch,custom gauge/switch plate, Race Capture data logging, 90K miles
Last edited by AZ986S; 10-14-2018 at 09:08 PM.