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Old 10-13-2018, 07:57 AM   #8
Brian in Tucson
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Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Tucson AZ
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Originally Posted by KT986 View Post
Trick is to have the motors in sync.
Once you have the roof has a tolerance , maybe 0.5 mm to 1.5 mm on either side relative to each other . That's where they need adjustment - it's quite possible the arms are of different lengths ( slightly) from factory .
Hence you can't see the " adjustment ".
Critically, both sides have to be symmetrical

Hope that helps

You have one bent rod (the upper one in the pic.) You can straighten it with a hammer and a acetylene torch. I probably wouldn't, I'd be looking for one rod on Ebay. Then when you put it all back together with new cups, make sure each rod is exactly the same length from where it connects to the transmission to where it connects on the top. Both sides should be identical & interchangeable, same exact length for both. And synchronize the transmissions, you can turn the right transmission with an electric drill connected to the cable where it attaches to motor. Pelican's writeup about rebuilding the transmissions is pretty good and goes into all this stuff.

I will suggest this, when they go wrong, they can be a major pain in the butt to get back to correct. Mine had bent rods, at least one clamshell carrier, and a stripped gear in the right transmission. Still trying to get it so that it doesn't bind or pop. And trying to get the clamshell to close flat on the right side.

I feel your pain, good luck bro!
2001 Boxster
2007 Toyota Highlander
2003 New Beetle Convertible, Turbo, Tip 6 speed
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