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Old 08-18-2018, 01:39 PM   #1
Motorist & Coffee Drinker
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Secure your center cap crest

If you have the wheel center caps with a metal crest, consider putting a rivet in one of the holes to keep it secured. I have seen many of these center caps missing the crest and it is getting hard to find a good condition used one (at a decent price).

Recently I put the metal crest center caps back on my '04 SE to replace plastic ones I had been using. The original caps were missing two of the crests and the remaining two came off easily when pried.

After scraping the old adhesive out and a thorough cleaning, I used 'Liquid Nails Heavy Duty Construction Adhesive' to attach them. *I'm not saying that you have to use that, but it has always work well for me on surfaces exposed to weather and it's what I had in the garage that day.

I cleaned out the hole with a drill bit, enlarging it very slightly. I used 1/8" diameter rivets, long enough to have a good grip inside the center cap. I recommend using black nail polish on the rivet to blend it in with the crest. -On this one I used a black marker about a month ago and it's getting rough.

While the crest is off you may want to clean it up. I started with a 3M scrubbing pad, but ended up using 800 & 1000 grit sand paper to finish it. Nail polish can work well to touch up any missing enamel from the rest of the crest. After cleaning and polishing go ahead and seal it with a clear gloss nail polish top-coat (if you touched it up with nail polish), or good quality clear coat spray paint.
I am not an attorney, mechanic, or member of the clergy. Following any advice given in my posts is done at your own peril.

Last edited by 78F350; 08-18-2018 at 01:44 PM.
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