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Old 08-14-2018, 11:15 AM   #67
Who's askin'?
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Originally Posted by nicecar View Post
exactly why I started DIY. Always collateral damage. Had my clutch done last month,got it back and intermittently would get stuck in 1st or reverse .Took it back he called and said to much play in shifter, 300 for stock 500 for short shift. Put SS on, got it back same thing. Came on this forum and found the problem, told the guy it was in the linkage in the rear. Called said they checked it out and couldnt find anything, must be internal. Has not got hung up yet and has been several weeks. Personally I have spent alot but I am sure you are right.
Ha! The JEEP guys told me I was wrong about a motor mount that had failed in my '13 GC. They told me "it's just rubber, and is supposed to flex". I told them "it's HYDRAULIC, and isn't supposed to be dumping fluid all over the frame..... ". I told them to order the part, and because I had a service warranty, I asked them to install it. Which they did.... eventually. I called on the 3rd day and said "how close are we?" and they said "we're waiting on a bolt for the A/C compressor to arrive from Denver." I asked "why are we messing with the A/C compressor?" they said "we bent the bolt when we used it to jack the motor up to replace the motor-mount".

!?!?!?!?!?!?! this was the DEALER, mind you.

yeah.... done with them all.
There are only a few things I can't do on my own cars, like evacuating and recharging the refrigerant in the A/C, for instance. so I just assume I'm gonna get screwed when I have those things done, and then I'm not disappointed when it happens. Like their $585 charge to refill the refrigerant on my wife's '15 JEEP Renegade. (Who knew there's a new refrigerant they're using now? Called R1234YF. EXPENSIVE)
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