Originally Posted by nicecar
yes and depending on his needs and the car he can AVERAGE 2k over several years. Lots of posts about replacing engines. Lets say he needed a waterpump, AOS, coolant tank and tires in the first 18months with no DIY. How much? He did not say its a hobbie car. He said SHE gave him a budget.how bout this ....potentially 150 dollars a month average expense to own the car. yea I am holding on to that number could be 2k a year.
Let's agree that we're too far apart in the way we approach things to come together on this.
Personally, if I didn't DIY, I wouldn't buy a used car. Period.
I have not found anybody that I trust to do work on my cars, including and especially the local "group" that has the Porsche dealership. I have had the same people do work on my Jags, Mercedes, Audi, Jeeps, etc. and now they've gobbled-up the Maserati dealership too, so another place I can't trust for my car. Simple thing's, mind you: alignments, etc. And they have so far COMPLETELY FAILED ME, every time. I wouldn't let them touch another one of my vehicles. DIY is much more reliable, satisfying, and cheaper.
Just sayin'.....