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Old 08-13-2018, 01:56 PM   #38
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Posts: 487
The new wife said 7k budget she did not say beyond that.Once again there is no such thing as a cheap porsche, they will get you in the end.
okay maybe not 10k first year but at least 2k a year. Get the car, any car, as long as she gives you a maintenance budget of 2k a year.If you dont spend it great but you will go over sometime. PPI is a must. Alot of people dont understand performance car maintenance cost.For the sake of happiness tell your wife it is going to cost more than a oil change like the toyota! It sucks trying to ask for money in a marriage for your car that is not too practical.The first bill I had I said to the mechanic what am I going to tell my wife?
He said DONT TELL HER! LOL Hard to do when I dont handle the money. One thing for sure...There is no substitute. For me worth every penny and all the aggravation.Good Luck
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