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Old 08-13-2018, 08:49 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by itsnotanova View Post
I'd have to say that almost every track boxster, 996, 997 and 987 is using a LWFW. Most motors I hear of go out because of oiling issues, spun bearings or rods. There has been a few cranks breaking but not many. I totally respect Jake's opinion on the M96/M97 motor but I have to disagree about using a LWFW. Maybe it's like the ims bearing and track cars don't have as many issues as the street cars?
Thanks Woody.
That concurs with all of my own searching. I've read and read and read until my eyes glazed-over. I've spoken, to, visited, emailed and FBM'd with dozens of individuals representing (combined) hundreds of cars running LWFW on their 986 motors of every ilk, size, mileage, etc. I cannot find a single person who can offer me a solid "yes, I had a motor that had a crankshaft failure that I can attribute to a LWFW. Let me tell you about it". Except the one, single, lone example that everybody references. That guy is on renntech. His crank failed in his 996 motor with a LWFW and a SLEW OF OTHER modifications.

So I think I have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the LWFW does NOT cause crankshafts to fail. I will state that unequivocally, based solely on the data. (I mean, as long as we're considering opinions to be facts, mine might as well be too, right?)
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