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Old 08-12-2018, 01:59 PM   #35
Who's askin'?
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Originally Posted by 10/10ths View Post
"Elitist crap"?

Come on, man.

I'm just a working slob who never had two nickels to rub together and put 325,000 miles on my 1993 Miata because it was my ONLY car for over twenty years.

Now, at age 50, I have a new career and I have enough coin left over to buy a 2004 Boxster and keep her on the road.

You folks need to lighten up out here in internet land.

There is zero tone on the screen, so forgive me for trying to make a point and it falling flat. Jeeze, "Elitist crap"? Seriously?

You got a new young guy who is getting married and asked for advice, my advice is don't buy a Boxster, buy a Miata.


How is trying to explain to the guy that buying a 20 year old Porsche is one thing, and keeping her running is another?

Lighten up. We are talking about toys here, not the fate of global nuclear proliferation or displaced refugees. Wow.

There's no need for name calling.

Hmmm.... I may be guilty of being too uptight then. Because that's what I thought I read reading from YOU? haha, funny thing here, 10, is that you and I have done this before, haha.

Sorry. I read your comment as trying to dissuade another enthusiast from what is, truly, a more exciting car than a miata, in the name of an unrealistic maintenance requirement ($10k/yr).

I see too many people trying to suck the fun out of ownership, and trying to make it serious, with talk of porsche engineers knowing best, only one way (the most expensive) to do a repair or maintenance, etc. Etc. As if porsche ownership should be reserved for only the most capable. I don't know what else to call that, if not elitist. And perhaps I've misread your post in that spirit.

So let me be more clear what I was trying to say:
B.S. on $10k/yr in maintenance. If you buy a $7k porsche 986, be prepared for some hefty bills, just like you'd have if you buy a $2k miata. Nowhere near $10k, but maybe close to $3k. But if you buy a $10k 986, you're gonna be just fine on a couple hundred bucks a year maintenance budget.

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