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Old 07-31-2018, 02:27 PM   #166
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Originally Posted by Escy View Post
For those of you ordering cradles, i'd hang on and see how this build pans out. I've seen plenty of Audi V8 builds that end up being a dogs dinner when it comes to finishing them off. Roofs that won't fold, loads of metal hacked out, etc. Most seem to bolt the engine to the transmission, leave the transmission in its original place and then have to hack away to make it fit.
As stated before, this is a RACE CAR build. I will 'hack loads of metal out', there will be NO folding top, there will be NO trunk, it's a race car, all that stuff is un-needed weight. Happy to make a dog's dinner if it's a fast dog's dinner!

Don't buy one if you don't want one.

The second cradle we are working on will be one that will work with V6 and V8 Audi motors using the Audi motor mounts rather than the Boxster front mount. More designed for a street application. The problem with the V8 installation is how to make the throttle body fit under the folding top compartment, this cradle drops the motor about 40 mm, there is more room to go down but it creates other clearance issues so I'm not sure how folks want to deal with those. We are looking at ways to point the TB down and out to get some clearance, I am a bit worried if I move the TB too far from the plenum it will create other problems. Input would be appreciated on this aspect.
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