Thread: RoW Flash Help
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Old 07-31-2018, 07:53 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by JFP in PA View Post
Simple: Clearing the codes before going to inspection will not work. You DME has EPA mandated software that trip the I/M Readiness (what inspection looks at) into "not ready" mode so that the car cannot be inspected, where it will stay for 100-200 miles, by which time the original codes will have come back.
.... will probably have come back.... :-) It all depends on how dire the situation is. haha.

For the SAI, do a quick search here. It's a very common issue. Once you've confirmed it's like the rest of ours, member "Particlewave" has developed a cheat / workaround for the very-common failure. I haven't installed mine yet, but I bought it and added it to my "over the winter" list.

For the o2 code, I can't help ya, because I haven't experienced this particular issue. But I know this has been discussed ad nauseam on this forum as well, and there are some fixes for that discussed in several threads.
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