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Old 07-30-2018, 01:51 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by maytag View Post
...DO NOT BUY CHEAP cordless tools. That's a recipe for disappointment and frustration...
Hallelujah on that! I've seen some really cheap crap, and often wondered "who would buy that?", but then realized that *someone* must be, and I instantly feel proactively sorry for them. My only hope is that the vast majorities of purchases are as Christmas gifts and are bought by people who have never held a tool in their life (hopefully also given to people who have also never held a tool).

With that being said, I guess that on occasion I have bought a tool at a "price point" because it is something that I might only use once...and ya know what? It was only used once because it either broke or got thrown away (or across the garage) because it wasn't even up to the "one-use" standard.

I firmly believe the best money spent is the money that is only spent if I can just find a cordless tool (or more specifically, battery) that fits that description...
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