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Old 07-29-2018, 09:30 PM   #2
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Not the end of the world! Take a breath...

I posted this earlier to another thread but it is the same advice for you...

So go back to basics....the top mechanism on these cars is not that complicated. Open the top and disconnect the pivot arms on each side for the top and the cover. Open and close your top manually to ensure that the top will travel the full range of motion when in full manual mode.

Inspect pivot arm ball sockets and add some lithium grease to the sockets and the track that the cover travels on.

Next thing to check is the cables that run from the motor to the top transmission on each side. Pull the end of the cable out and inspect for fraying.

The only things left are the transmissions and the motor. You can pull each transmission and look for a bad gear (missing tooth). The motor pretty much works or doesn't.
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