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Old 07-27-2018, 08:01 AM   #22
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Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: England
Posts: 189
Here is the type of car you can expect for your money. This cost me £5100 2 years ago.

Its had 95k miles on it and the 6k Iv put on it has been a pleasure.

If it blew up tomorrow I sell it for £1000 as a breaker and have no regrets. Then go and buy another.

As you can see its more or less out of the box condition wise. Find one an enthusiast has owned and it will have lived on a bed of ostrich feathers.

Beware of very low mileage ones... they dont like sitting about.

My advice would be.... only and only listen to people who own them not the pub bores who's uncles sisters brothers cousins mate had one and the IMS bearing went first turn of the key.

Put away £1000 a year for maintenance and repairs then what you dont spend out of that spend on improving it how you see fit.

Realistically mine has only cost about £400 a year for maintenance and small repairs. Some years may be less that 1000 some maybe more.

Dont waste money by replacing things that dont need replacing, Tell your mechanic (and he DOESNT need to be Porsche specialist) to keep you informed when he services the car of jobs that he thinks will need doing in the future and budget for them, then get them done. There will usually always be something but it will be consumable things like tyres, brakes, exhaust, CV boots etc that any older car would need

bottom line if you want one and can afford it! Life's to short to have regrets later on
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