Originally Posted by Burg Boxster
....Also FWIW, power ports go inactive after ~ 10 days or so on the newer cars UNLESS vehicle is locked. Yes, a bit counterintuitive to not wanting to be locked out theory if battery goes flat. But obviously countless German engineers studied this endlessly and found their solution much preferred
I can (well, sort of) understand the logic behind this. From an engineering perspective, if the vehicle has been setting for a period of time, deactivating the ports would prevent an ancillary item from draining the battery; additionally any action (ie opening door) would then "reset" timer restoring power to the port...I suppose the thought process went like "well, you can't get to the port without opening the door...so why keep it active?" Keeping the port active when the vehicle is locked takes a bit more of a stretch to explain though...perhaps the thought was "if the vehicle is locked, the item is less likely to be stolen, so it can remain active". I'm sure there was a flow chart and multiple PowerPoints at a design meeting expaining all of the reasons....