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Old 07-21-2018, 10:10 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by old911doc View Post
$7,000should buy you a very presentable Boxster. I would suggest a very early car, 97 or 98 model year, a 2.5 L model years before the troublesome intermediate shaft bearing of the later 2.7 L engines. Although parts prices from dealerships are stiff, so they are for any other make; don't buy parts from the dealership except as a last resort.
I have not found Boxsters any more difficult to maintain than any other make or model of car. Check my garage list for more background.
The 986 series represent the best value on the used car market, bar none.
Do your homework; read the forum here, the 101 Projects book, the Pelican tech series, and watch Craigslist like a hawk.
If you can't find a great value in a used 986, you just can't find a good used car!
Good luck!
I think if you are talking in terms of cost, parts etc. I would tend to agree, to a point. My Jeep is more expensive to maintain than my Boxster (so far) However, due to the electronics configuration, general German over engineering etc, these cars are not great entry level learners. Consequently, the costs go up. Overall, due to the mid engine configuration, pulling things like the alternator, PS pump etc, aren’t any more technically difficult (remove appropriate bolts etc.) However, the access is a major PITA for these items.

And, while I agree 7k can buy a decent looking car, at that age, there will be significant deferred maint costs at that price point most likely.
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