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Old 07-21-2018, 08:31 AM   #32
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I would think that if there was any real flexing going on in the front tub, stress cracks would have shown up on race cars by now. IMHO, it's a waste of money as the racing community would have figured that out by now. I cant think of any race cars I've seen where the cage is incorporated into the front or rear trunk. I believe the biggest flex on a boxster that isn't caged is in between the door pillars. I've seen lots of wrecked street and caged boxsters. A street boxster will almost fold in half in a very bad head-on collision. I think the question is how you stiffen that area without installing a cage. I would think some kind of brace that attaches to top of the window frame and the roll bar? The only problem I see with that would be the twisting might break the windshield. So if attaching to the window frame is a no go, then where could it attach to?
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