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Old 07-20-2018, 01:01 PM   #11
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I owned 2. wonderful cars. But that was 10 years ago. The cars you might look at are 20 year old cars. Will your financial situation allow for the maintenance on a 20 year old car whose parts are maybe twice what you are used to and for which labor changes are high? What if I told you 10 years ago a major service cost $1k, a brake job cost another $1k and tires cost $1.2k. Doing it yourself, half that. But that will give you an idea that a Porsche is not a cheap car. Oil change for $29.95? Nope. Maybe double that. Premium gas. I'm toying with buying my third despite all that but without any funding limits. A $10-30k engine wouldn't scare me, for example.

Years ago I wrote up this on buying a Boxster. Read it and the other maybe 10 articles to get as honest a picture as I could convey understanding it was written with a ten year old car in mind, not a 20 year old one.

Last edited by mikefocke; 07-22-2018 at 05:47 AM.
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