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Old 07-12-2018, 12:43 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by tommy583 View Post
OK I put the modded stock muffler back on the car. I still have a wicked exhaust leak at one of the 2 bolt clamps near the cat. So how does it sound? I think it sounds like a proper sports car now. The difference from stock inside the car is subtle. It is a little louder but you can still hear the intake. It has a much raspier tone then the twin can Circuit Works muffler. When at WOT you can really hear it once it hits the 5,000 RPM Variocam crossover point.

Outside of the car is another story, under a bridge or in a tunnel it screams. I had my wife rev it up in the driveway, it sounds awesome from outside the car. It has a throaty almost metallic sound to it. It sounds a lot like the FVD sound version
Nice, right?

I took the car on a 2 hour round trip yesterday. Cruising at around 3000rpm on the highway, the sound inside the cabin was just fine...a low rumble that was not at all bothersome.

As soon as you pass under a bridge or through a tunnel, especially at higher rpms, sound is intoxicating!
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