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Old 07-12-2018, 12:01 PM   #27
98 Arctic silver 986
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OK I put the modded stock muffler back on the car. I still have a wicked exhaust leak at one of the 2 bolt clamps near the cat. So how does it sound? I think it sounds like a proper sports car now. The difference from stock inside the car is subtle. It is a little louder but you can still hear the intake. It has a much raspier tone then the twin can Circuit Works muffler. When at WOT you can really hear it once it hits the 5,000 RPM Variocam crossover point.

Outside of the car is another story, under a bridge or in a tunnel it screams. I had my wife rev it up in the driveway, it sounds awesome from outside the car. It has a throaty almost metallic sound to it. It sounds a lot like the FVD sound version muffler IMHO.

Even with the exhaust leak there is no drone in the car. With less of a leak the twin can muffler was headache inducing. I've ordered 2 new OEM Porsche clamps from our sponsor. When they come in I will take it all back apart, make the holes a little bigger and button it up.

If you don't mind the weight of the stock muffler and don't want to spend $1500 for the FVD muffler, then this is the way to go. I honestly think this sounds much better than the twin can mufflers. The tone of the twin can mufflers is a little deeper than i prefer and it's always kinda loud. The modded muffler is pretty tame during normal driving and under 5,000 RPM, but when you get on the throttle it sings. It even has a little burble on over run sometimes. I'll try to post a sound clip when I get the new clamps.

All this was done on a 2000 S muffler. It has two 0.75" holes in each top of the pipe, two 0.50" holes on the bottom. I used a chisel to open the pipe between the holes on the top and bottom of each pipe. It also has a Crios mod with 0.75" holes I did before.
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