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Old 07-01-2018, 10:00 AM   #4386
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Originally Posted by Lew View Post
What I did today other than polishing my exhaust tips was to try and find the rattle I hear when shutting down the engine. I jacked the car from the rear and used my rubber hammer softly banging around on the muffler, the cats, and their heat shields, etc. I was not able to hear or see anything loose that would be making this noise. I first though something had broke loose inside the muffler. I might add I hear it sometime and sometimes I don't. It seems when back from a drive and everything is hot. Got me stumped!
Several have said it's the DMF. One said, when you press in the clutch and don't hear the rattle when shutting down the engine, it's the flywheel. Someone said a spring is broken in the flywheel. One said it's the transmission.

I just cannot believe this rattle is the DMF, or Transmission. The other day after starting the engine, and the car sat in the garage for a few minutes, I started to back out with the engine at idle rpm's around 6 to 7 hundred. When slowly letting out the clutch I hear this rattle. At that engine speed is when things may vibrate, thus rattles might be heard. I don't hear this noise backing up with the engine up to temperature. My thoughts are it's the darn muffler. I have rubber hammered on it several times but don't hear or see anything loose. Dr. Know around?
Artic Silver Boxster S - Black Leather - Black Top - Convience Plus Package
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