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Old 06-25-2018, 07:12 PM   #18
Who's askin'?
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Originally Posted by MaxD View Post
Maytag - great to have you out to UMC with the IRPCA. Glad to hear it was just the AOS.

I have an "almost" spec Boxster (#50) that my wife ran in the afternoon sessions.

On the insurance front - not many policies cover HPDE anymore and TT is definitely out of scope (timed).

Also, the yellow Cayman has a 3.8 in it, so you were doing great keeping up with him.

We should have an event in September finalized soon. Likely three day with DE and TT, one of the short tracks on Friday then long tracks Saturday and Sunday.

IRPCA TT Director
Max! Hey man, glad to see ya here too! I'm surprised that more of the locals aren't hanging here.

You guys sure ran a great event....
If I'm reading between the lines correctly, I think you're telling me that if you had been driving your boxster, instead of your wife driving it, you'd have schooled me pretty well? Haha. I'd have enjoyed that. As it was, Monte and I were chuckling about the fact that something he hadn't been able to teach me was how to wave somebody by.... hahaha!

So the yellow Cayman.... yeah, couple laps later, with me hounding him a lot closer, he waved me on by. (Around 0:44 here

We sorta yo-yo'd a bit that direction, until I finally strung 2 good laps together and he lost touch with me. We chatted about it later, since he and I were garage neighbors.

I can't wait for the one in September, on the outer loop!

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