Man, some of the silly talk here is funny
I've owned two Boxsters now and really, honestly, I don't see the huge maintenance costs. I just had my 20k service done on my 987 for 400 bucks. So, on the average of say 3k miles per oil change for a typical car, with an average cost of 50 bucks per oil change with Synthetic oil your'e at 300 bucks over the same period of time. In that period, just about any car will have to make a trip or two to the dealer for a checkup which usually isn't free. So far, my 987 has given me 20k miles with zero issues and all it cost me over that time is 400.00? Not a bad deal in my opinion, and really, it's not a gigantic difference from the average maintenance costs of a Honda Accord.. the thing I think people choke on is that it hits them all at once instead of spread out over time.
The comments about 'racing' a Boxster and losing are good for a chuckle too

If you buy a Porsche and don't realize you are not buying a dragster then you didn't do your homework. My car may be beaten by a chevy in a straight line, but straight roads are boring roads. Put that same chevy on some nice back lane twisties where a car shows what it's really made of and then you see what makes a Porsche what it is. I don't know how many times i've had idiots that feel the need to tailgate me to show how 'fast' they are and when that happens I just can't wait to take a hard curve in the road at 70+ and watch them fall apart at the seams
And truly, I don't care what make of car it is, you'll find a board on the internet and you'll find people talking as if it's the worst thing on the planet. I've never owned a car in the last 10 years that this wasn't the case. Reality is, most cars are perfectly sound and don't have major issues. Those that do are of course the people you hear from. You should also not have unrealistic expectations with cars.. true high performance vehicles will never have the reliability ratings of a Honda and you shouldn't expect it.
Just ramblin