Originally Posted by PaulE
Nice looking car, wonder why the engine needed to be rebuilt with only 18k miles. How much is the limited edition "Sport" designation worth? $43k seems high but maybe they'll get it.
Oil starvation and spun rod bearings are the bane of the M97 engine. With 4 owners over a short period of time, someone may have been spending a lot of time in the 6-7K rpm range and spun a bearing. Just my guess.
"What is the Sport designation worth?" Very good question. When I found mine 5 yrs ago, I figured $3K over an 08 S. Partly due to the heavy load of options + the rare color. You would never get more than an 09 S value because of the 9A1 engine, so the 09 S is the ceiling for an 08 S Sport. Comes down to how much you're willing to pay for the Signal Green color.
Agree their price is aggressive, but it does include a rebuilt engine. As my dad liked to say, you can always come down on price but you can't go up.