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Old 06-06-2018, 02:12 PM   #11
"50 Years of 550 Spyder"
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: The Road
Posts: 945
My .02....

....If you have deep pockets, enjoy working on cars yourself and know how to turn a wrench, have a place where you can jack the car up and keep it in the air for a few weeks, can live without the car for a month at a time, and want to learn how these things work, then go for it.

If you are not financially well off, cannot live without the car for a month at a time, cannot risk being stranded someplace, then don’t buy one.

If you have limited funds and want a fun sports car, buy a Miata.

If you have a bit more money and need a bulletproof car that won’t let you down, buy a Honda S2000.

If you want to have more fun than anything else on planet earth, buy a Motorcycle.

I’d buy a motorcycle and a Honda Civic and ride as much as you can and use the civic as a backup for times when the bike is down or the weather is so miserable you don’t want to ride, or you pick up a friend who refuses to ride.

Motorcycling is THE most fun you can possibly have.

Good luck.

Live every day like it is your last.

Never be too tired for anything.

Look that hottie straight in the eye, and ask her to dance.

550 SE #310---"It's more fun to drive a slow car fast, than a fast car slow."
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