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Old 06-06-2018, 05:08 AM   #2
Who's askin'?
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Originally Posted by Jonathan A View Post
I love the design that Porsche cars have, the attention to detail is just phenomenal. I was wondering if it was a good idea to buy a Porsche at age 17, perferably a Boxster. What is your opinion on this? And, if your wondering who brought me onto the Porsche world, it was Steve Jobs. I was reading his biography, and it seemed that one of the best innovators loved Porsche, therefore I gave the car a go. I rented one for a few days, and instantly fell in love.
Jonathan: I'm a car guy, as most here are. Car guys will always advocate to get the car that you love... regardless of what opinion anybody else may have about it.

I'd suggest that with ANY 20 yr old car, be sure you have a modicum of time, money, mechanical ability. How much you need of each of those, depends on how much you have of the others, haha.

Some have suggested that working on the boxster is no more difficult than working on any other car: oud suggest that it's been too long since they worked on other cars. The boxster is a little bit of a pita to work on. Not inordinately so, but the first time you hear a squeaky belt, you'll understand.

Porsche parts are more expensive than those for, say, a Honda or a jeep. A thermostat, for instance: $7 for my '15 jeep, $54 for the boxster.

So far, the only specialty tool I've had to purchase was a $300 durametric "scanner" (it's more than a scanner). But MOST specialty vehicles will require something similar. (I have a shelf full, for bmw, Benz, landrover, jaguar, etc etc)

Knowledge - base. Be aware, that while there are some INCREDIBLY knowledgeable people who frequent and support these forums, who are very, very helpful and generous with what they know, the reality is that there are fewer owners who work on these themselves than most other cars. This means that a Google of symptoms provides fewer results, and quite obviously: fewer solutions. But, this is much MORE true of my wife's jeep renegade.... ain't NOBODY working on those themselves, hahaha.

You can minimize the importance of all of this above, by buying the right car.... But you won't eliminate it.

So... in short?
Buy it.
But be prepared.

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