I think alot of fun can be had out of putting this on or doing that mod. It makes the car more unique and interesting. If I went to porschefest and all the boxsters where the same, I would look at the first one or two and then walk away and look for a 911 turbo to drool over. Variety is the spice of life. Another reason modifying is fun is the element of suprise. Lets say some yahoo in a z28 wants to run with you. He thinks boxsters are slow and maybe even a tad...gasp.....girly. A boxster with the right engine mods could hang with him and a S with the same could very well hand him his ass. The suprised/pissed off look on his face would be pretty entertaining. I like suprising people. If I was in a 996 and ran a train on him that wouldn't be suprising to him nor me. I think a custom boxster could very well be better than a cookie-cutter 996. I guess to each his own. BTW, Mickey, thankyou for the emails, pics and advice. I'm gonna give it another crack real soon. I'm just afraid of breaking the damn thing. I guess the new hasn't quite worn off of it yet.