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Old 09-06-2006, 06:30 AM   #22
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I certainly don't mean to hijack this thread or go off on too far a tangent, but has anyone installed a Turbo/Supercharger into a 987 yet? or are they too new yet? and is it worth the cost for the increase? And, of course, does anyone know anyone that's even selling performace parts for the 987 yet? I've been having trouble finding them so far.

I've seriously considered doing it, although like most I'll probably wait until the warantee is expired rather than void it prematurely.

For reference, this is for an 06 987 (Boxster), non-S, 2.7L. I'm pleased with the stock performance so far, but I've always been one to tinker with my cars/bikes, but this is my first Porsche, so it's still a little new for me.

Thanks in advance!
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