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Old 09-05-2006, 01:57 PM   #13
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Location: Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
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Originally Posted by delubozparts
Hello Everyone,

I knew by offer the Header and the Exhaust for this forum will always have 2 groups of opinions 50 Negative and 50 Positive.

The Deposit are just to assured the Dyno Result and write up review are follow through as Agreed, regardless the outcome of the Dyno results and write up review full deposit will return to Randall immediately. I could of find a Boxster here locally and offer free rental car just like Magnaflow offer, would anyone feel comfortable by left expensive Boxster to someone and without knowing who is working on the installation ??? Chances are No way !!!

I could of Provided Dyno Result + Review, than again who would take that as geniune creditble informations, probably just another sales pitch. By offering this to a reputable and creditble member without any fake or bias informations will prove truthfull results on these Header and Exhaust.

Randall would have choice of his own on Reliable Installation facility + Dyno Facility and fully in control of his Boxster in town not somewhere else for 2-3 days.

Definitely there will be more Negative or skeptical Posts, Please let this be a Mutual Post till Randall follow through with the results.

Best Regards,


OK, so let me get this all straight. You join this group and rather than introduce yourself (as an eBay reseller of non-model/marque specific aftermarket components) and survey the group for thoughts on aftermarket exhaust systems and suggest that you may be able to produce one which will exceed the OEM system or other aftermarket offerings, you immediately dangle an offer for a FREE exhaust system. Oh, FREE, uh, except for a $1,000 deposit pending a post installation/testing testimonial.

You want someone (apparently Randall) to give you $1,000 of their hard-earned money and risk the wear/tear (and possible damage) to their car (anything can happen from CELs to stripped heads from installation, etc.) But, you have no confidence that the person you select will write a testamonial after getting a FREE and improved exhaust system unless you hold $1,000 of their money as security? As Jack Nicholson said in As Good As It Gets: "Where's the trust...?" Remember, it was you who came to us, not the other way around.

I'm sorry if you feel we're skeptical, but maybe we're just looking out for one of our own.

If you're so above board and interested in an unbiased opinion, why not waive the deposit altogether? Surely you can appreciate that one might not get a totally unbiased report if there were concern that a negative testamonial might result in the forfeiture of a $1,000 deposit.

Sorry, but I remain unconvinced. And, I did research your eBay offerings, both past and present. You're a reseller and sell a lot of needless junk to unsuspecting car owners, this totally useless Voltage Stabilizer 300021702098QQtcZphoto is a case in point.

(Sarcasm Mode ON) I cannot tell you how many reliability or performance issues we see here because of unstable voltage in the Boxster. It's a plague larger than RMS failure! (Sarcasm Mode OFF)

You have a combined total of 40 Neutral or Negative feedbacks in the past 12 mos. alone, how many of these are from Voltage Stabilizer buyers?

And, it occurs to me that if you are just a reseller, why does this system (which is already being produced and sold) need to be Beta-Tested to begin with?? Who actually manufactures this system? Where is it made and what materials are used? Is it Road Legal and smog certified in any or all 50 states?

I return to my original thought - You're just looking for new markets and trying to avoid advertising costs associated with them.

Maybe you can peddle your system to the Miata Board -

Good Luck!...

Happy Motoring!... Jim'99

PS Sorry, but so far it seems that your prediction of a 50/50 split in opinion may be a little optimistic...

Last edited by MNBoxster; 09-05-2006 at 04:27 PM.
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