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Old 09-05-2006, 12:31 PM   #12
delubozparts's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Addison,Texas
Posts: 147
Hello Everyone,

I knew by offer the Header and the Exhaust for this forum will always have 2 groups of opinions 50 Negative and 50 Positive.

The Deposit are just to assured the Dyno Result and write up review are follow through as Agreed, regardless the outcome of the Dyno results and write up review full deposit will return to Randall immediately. I could of find a Boxster here locally and offer free rental car just like Magnaflow offer, would anyone feel comfortable by left expensive Boxster to someone and without knowing who is working on the installation ??? Chances are No way !!!

I could of Provided Dyno Result + Review, than again who would take that as geniune creditble informations, probably just another sales pitch. By offering this to a reputable and creditble member without any fake or bias informations will prove truthfull results on these Header and Exhaust.

Randall would have choice of his own on Reliable Installation facility + Dyno Facility and fully in control of his Boxster in town not somewhere else for 2-3 days.

Definitely there will be more Negative or skeptical Posts, Please let this be a Mutual Post till Randall follow through with the results.

Best Regards,

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