Anyone have this problem before? I have owned a very used 2002 Boxster S for the last six months. I have always thought that the spoiler sat proud of the rear bumper but it's perfectly horizontal and there's no play in the hydraulic struts:
Today I was doing some spring cleaning and found out that one of the four prior owners had put some stickers of race tracks (or cryptic language) on the spoiler which were subsequently removed before my ownership:
More importantly, the spoiler cap seems to have been popped up and off of the back of the square metal spoiler core. I'm not sure how it was dislodged; all of the pop rivets are in place. Unless it was removed then installed again by an idiot. You can see the ridge of the spoiler core under the cap in the above photo but it's more clear here:
Any ideas how to get that down? I tried pushing. Doesn't work--that ridge is fairly wide. I could always drill out the rivets but I'm not sure where to get them (except shipped from Pelican I'm sure). I thought maybe do it on a hot day and/or with a hairdryer/heat gun?
Just wondering if anyone else had run into this problem.