Originally Posted by specboxCO
+1 on the ignition switch. You cannot push start the car if the immobilizer isn't responding, the ecu will not fire the injectors.
To double check short the start lock relay in the rear trunk. Relay #7 bottom left.
This will allow the car to crank without the immobilizer signal, if the car cranks and fires, its likely that relay gone bad. If the car cranks and doesn't fire, its the immo. If nothing changes, ts the ignition switch.
I did change out the switch, but had already pulled the immobilizer to look at it. The person who put it in wrapped the board in a plastic bag and then tried to seal the cable bundles with tie wraps and more silicone, or actually something that didn't cure.
Nothing was wet but there are broken connections on the board.
I would have like to have tried your troubleshooting before I messed with the immobilizer, though from what I found, I don't know how that would have gone. I get what you say about the fuel cutoff. Now I'm confused.