Aha, I had that feeling! I would say let's go for it.

The latch is pretty expensive, I know, but I am sick of that cheapy stuff.
I just shot an email to my dealership to see, if I can get my 18% discount with my classic card.
1€ = 1,23$
265$ = 215,45€ +19% tax (Germany) = 256,38€ --> pretty good find, at least better than any eBay offers
I think, I might not be able to top that, we'll see.
And btw. i am considering Alcantara for the healiner (the square area, you know what I mean). Then the Top looks like it should have in the first place.

P.S.: I got a PDF from the seller + print outs...exactly the same stuff like yours, so nothing new in there, I am sure